Blog #5: TNG Reunion In Calgary

Last year was my first time attending the Calgary Comic And Entertainment Expo and it was a great experience. There I not only got to meet 2 of my favourite Trek stars, William Shatner and Jonathan Frakes, but I also got a professional photo taken with them. Based on this experience I fully intended to be at the Calgary Expo in 2012 April 27-29. Then came the announcement last Sunday that the entire original cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation would be attending the con together for a special 25th Anniversary show. First time this has ever been done with the cast of TNG. Excited doesn't hardly explain what I am feeling!! This Reunion show is a part of the Calgary Expo and the stars I assume will be available for photo-ops with fans, but the actual stage Reunion show is a separate paid event for that Saturday night. I couldn't be happier to put out money to see them, and I am hoping for a good seat when the tiks go on sale. Rest assured I will be taking many photos and try to connect with as many TNG stars as possible. 2012 it seems will be a great year after all!!!


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